I´m attending a wedding later this summer. The cermony will be at the beach and the reception at the grooms parents house, that are close to the beach. I wanted a summery flowery dress and seached the fabric stores for a suitable fabric. We don´t have that many fabric stores and I found this fabric at one of my favourites. It´s a italian cotton fabric with some structure, a little crincle, and I like the colors

I´m going to use this Onion pattern, the same as the girl is wearing in the drawing but a little longer and I will have add a lining.

The lime green of the flowers coordinates with my lime "Citron" and if my foot doesn´t improve my Scholl sandals are lime green too!
Dr Scholl sandals??? Love them. They are very expensive here, about € 100. How about in Sweden?
They cost the same here! But these I found unused at a goodwill store and payed 3.50 euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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