We started at Helsingborg at "Tant Thea" who opened an hour early becourse of us
This shop opened recently and it was my first visit there. A really nice selection of various yarn, I bought a lace yarn from Wales called Fyberspates in a very nice green shade.
After that we took the ferry and had some coffea and danish, newbaked, still warm...
In Helsingör we visited two yarn shops first "Tot og tråd"
Eva looks this happy when she buys yarn:
There we all liked this poncho and had a discussion on why you can´t buy just the pattern, but you have to buy yarn too. We would all accept to pay a larger amount if omitting the yarn. Compare this with sewingpattern there we can collect as many as we like...
Then we went to "Spinneriet" She imitiately offered us coffea and as swedes we never say no to that. "Spinneriet" means "The Spinnery" and part from yarn she sells wools and rowings and in a lot of different breads and colors and combos of fiber
And yes there where som spinningwheels too
I´ve been thinking for a long time to start spinning and one of my knitting friends who was on this trip has offered to teach me so I bought some wool to try on.
The old word for female prison in swedish is "Spinnhuset" meaning "the spinning house" probably a way to keep the inmates occupied...
After Helsingör we went to Copenhagen, we ate on the train due to time pressure and knitted.
In Copenhaguen we visited 3 shops, Wilferts, Garniture and Joruns. Joruns was my favourite and if it wasn´t for the fact that they only accepted "DAN cards" I would have bought some of here shatlandic wool.
Dan cards is a local danish creditcard and it´s more common than one will think that shops only accept it.
It was the first really hot day and we where really tired so I did not take any photos at the last shops.
It seams like all the ladies went to IKEA for the expedit shelves
Det låter som att ni hade en underbar dag! Ligger garnaffärerna i Köpenhamn centralt, förresten? Jag har bara varit i andra garnaffärer på mina köpenhamnsturer...
De ligger inte i Centrum, jag tror Joruns låg i Fredrikslund/berg/???
De andra låg nånstans på vägen...det kanske är nån annan som var med som hade bättre koll?
It sounds like it was a very fun day. I would have gone for the coffee alone! :) You should take up spinning - Tini taught me while I stayed with her last year - and Tuulia Salmela taught me a little too when she was still living in Washington (she has since moved back to Finland). Also - I have a friend in Vermont who has some alpacas...hmmmm...yes. Spinning is in your future. The English term for a woman who spins is "Spinster" - it also means an unmarried woman.
Ohhh, and this was where the spinning wheel dream really got a boost. (I love these Google word verification terms, and on your blog I tell myself they're real words in Swedish :)--'vigun' is the word this time.)
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