Here you can se different aprons from different part of Skåne ( the county down south in Sweden )
Even if I am interested in this kind of sewing it was not what made me go there.
Í saw in the paper that the swedish tailor organisation was having an exibition there and these clothes are from it. really some neat details, I love the dress and chanel jacket in coordinating fabric!
The last picture is theatre costumes from The merry widow from our local theatre when Ingmar Bergman worked there.
Soo beautiful!
WOnderful exhibition. Good for you to have been there.
Hej Karin
Jeg har tilladt mig at linke til dig på min blog - og har også lånt et billede af din smukke Bohus sweater på Ravelry. Sig til, hvis jeg skal fjerne det.
Meget, meget imponerende arbejde! Så tynde pinde kommer jeg ALDRIG til at strikke på. (Tror jeg. Man skal jo aldrig sige aldrig...)
Sikke en dejlig dag i Kongens Have. Dejligt at "Svensken" også var repræsenteret på den anden side af broen ;)
~ Karina
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