The yoke is a little felted so I have to use my mathematic skills here. There are 448 stitches on the finished yoke. The new knitting has a different gauge so I start by knitting two stitches together every 5 and 4 stitch and then I divide the stitches for arms and front and back using some kind of percentage.

The bohus sweathers where knittet on two sticks and sewed together; I do the knitting on circular needles but as for a raglan like the original. I use the Myrtle pattern as a reference.
Yesterday I went to look at an open garden in the next town ( Lund) The garden belongs to one of our wellknown chefs and his mother who is an author has written a book about the garden and the house ( Maryhill by Lotte Möller )
The Garden is open a weekend each summer and they serve the most wonderful Kakbuffé cockiebuffé with coffea the or whatever you like to drink and as much of it.
And Yes! I ate it all!

1 comment:
Hej Karin,
Længe siden, nu kommer jeg snart hjem igen om 9 dage.
Du må tage mig med til Lund og spise lidt af de lækkere ting du har sat til livs,
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