When it comes to bras I have actually nothing to wear and since the time thet I will need somthing is coming closer.
I bought a bra and pantie that does not fit me properly and I´m going to re sew the cups of it on a nice day... Anyway I used the cup that I modified a little and my old bra band that I liked and made two bras. This is the second bra in a kind of retro style:

The panties are from the latest Ottobre and I added a 5 cm/ 2 inches band of the grey fabric to match the bra:
This is the first bra in white with a lace that has light light pink roses

I used all lace so I could not make any matching panties for it.
Here is another pantie from the ottobre pattern in a flowery fabric. I think it matches the old pantie in pink that I used to have a matching bra for...That fabric is from Elingeria and I´m going to order some more to make me another one

I also been knitting. I bought two hanks of Lorna´s laces Envy yarn a long time ago and did not like it, but here I´m mixing it with a green Drops alpacka ( that I must go and buy one more ball for tomorrow )The plan is to add a lace border in a lighter green or a tan that I have in my stash. Alpacka have a tendency to lose it´s shape but mixing it with a sockyarn will hopefully make it more stable.